Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sneak Peek!

Here's the poster that didn't make it. (Preview? haha!)

This was one of the things that I have been busy with yesterday besides having breakfast with some really good friends and meeting up with my sister and my nephew ealier in the day. I was also able to squeeze in a movie night with Allan! whew! I had a pretty long day. Too bad I had to cancel on a friend's invitation at 1pm because of some conflict in sched. Sorry Karen!

So anyway, I was fixing the clothes last night and Allan was in the house watching me. I kept asking him if he still remember when I used some of the dresses. I also quized him a little to check if he's bluffing.

So here's a sneak peek! I hope you guys find it as beautiful as I do. I am really hoping that they end up in good hands! We've had good times together! I will surely miss them!

Some blazers

I know I don't always wear a dress on most of my posts. But I'm also a dress girl.

Still undecided about selling this jumpsuit.

I ran out of hangers but there's more in the bag! That denim shorts with a Mickey Mouse patch is just LOVE! It fits medium-large. I was hoping I could get it altered but they said it may not look exactly the same! So sad I didn't get to use it...

But of course there will be some that you may have already seen...

See you all on the 20th! I am excited to see what the ladies have on their racks! =)

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