Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is Less Still More?

This top was my sister's. She was about to give it away but I got to save this one from the whole bunch. I really love the print and the soft fabric. I also like it crumpled I think it has more zhazhazoo that way. I played a little and used it as a tube top. I tied the sleeves at the back to give it more shape. =)

I like to wear what I want and how I want it in no particular order. But I wana hear what you'd have to say about this. So which one do you prefer?

To end this post, I want to let you guys know that I am seriously thinking about what most people said about the sheer pants from my previous post. I guess I might just keep it. But who knows I might change my mind again. Aahhh! I'll probably give you a sneak peek of what's going to be on the racks from me for the up coming garage sale. That should come up pretty soon. =)

I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Goodnight fashionistas!

Much love,
Aie <3

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