Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sweetheart + Lace And Polka = LOVE!

My weekend was all about celebration! I'm finally done with adm201 certification exam. I believe I mentioned how stressed I was about that from my previous posts. I am super happy to have passed it! Yay me!

Here's a little reward I got myself for the sleepless nights and hours and hours of studying. I got this from an impromptu thrifting expedition after walking out of the testing center. Yes! I went thrift shopping with a friend from work and Eunice. I would have to save up for the real reward but for now this is what I get and I super love it!

Such a score right? Oh and it's denim too! =)

thrifted dress/ belt- gift from my sister/ booties from Ninewest

So how was your weekend?

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