Monday, March 28, 2011

More Candles To Blow!

It was my friend's birthday celebration. We went out to have dinner in Eastwood and planned on getting some after dinner drinks. But because we were all too lazy to deal with alcohol, we ended up having coffee and dessert in Starbucks Fort. Yes, the one with the drive thru. I love that place!

Many thanks to Chad V. of Gadgets magazine for these photos!

denim rompers from SM, scarf used as a belt from Zara, headband from Evita Peroni, Skull bracelet from Anagon, shoes from SM

A paparazzi shot drama. Showing off my Anagon bracelet! (The gay skulls!)

Here's a real paparazzi shot. =)

There's the birthday girl! She has very few photos every time we go out because she's always "the girl behind the lens". She should start blogging and make that her blog name yeah? (Kiko's idea!)

Jacel and her LV baby! =)

with Chad, Kat and Mac

Kat, Chloe and Kiko. Too bad Ara can't join because her grammy recently passed away. =( And Dane was out of town too!

What I had. I always end up not finishing my Panini in Jacksloft so this time I shared with Kat. =)

Now I want a Panini! I shall grab some lunch now.

Laters! =)

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