Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fringe Fascination And Further Captivation

Not much is up for me lately but work. I have been staying indoors more often because I've been saving up for some things I want to buy for my place. The shoe cabinet I saw from a furniture store for one, and a lot of other things. Yesterday I got my first ever set of cookware which I am very excited to use. I need lots of luck on that because I haven't really cooked any dish for a long time! Of course occasional frying and re-heating doesn't count. I will try my very best not to set my kitchen on fire! =)

Here's an outfit post for now. I fell in love with this fringe top at first sight. I got it from Donna. She sported one during the Bloggers' Closet and I was the happiest when she said she has one for sale! Shout out to you beautiful! =)

I tucked some in to give it more drama. Tell me about how much time it requires when you need to go find comfort after drinking so much! lol! But I am not complaining. =)

top from the Donna- Bloggers' Closet/ shorts from a random bazaar/ thrifted vest/ wedges from Janilyn/ necklace- flask key chain worn as a pendant

Ppsssss!--the sound of a burning skin as I turn each page of this month's Preview!

Going back to work now. Enjoy the rest of your day bellas! =)

Much love! <3

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