Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Friday!


Lucas Sleeps.

Have a great weekend! Hope there's lots of cuddling! Love,-n

This Should be in My House.


and this..


Emily Schroeder.

And these.




Marc Digeros. (Both artists from the Clay Studio).

Love the small dot details, the colors and the imperfect perfection.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011




From Philadelphia's boutique Arcadia, a beautifully cut blouse and the perfect cozy sweater in the just the right colors. Awww...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Seattle Q & A with Kyle Johnson.

Kyle Johnson


See his portfolio here and blog here.

Bainbridge Island.

Kyle Johnson.

This is my newest blog feature "A Seattle Q & A." Being born and raised in Seattle, I've come to meet a lot of stylish and unique people, who do a lot of cool things, so I thought I'd ask them some questions.

1. What trait(s) or characteristic(s) do you get from your grandparents?

My Grandpa worked hard as a cobbler supporting 4 kids. I think I got his hard working attitutude and a love for shoes.

2. What's the best part about living in the Seattle?

The Community or the Coffee or the Beer.

3. What do you always carry with you?

Thats easy..A camera or my blackberry.

4. If you could have dinner with any deceased author, who and why?

Hunter S Thompson I suppose, I don't read a lot but he would be a fun guy to chat with I'm sure.

5. Worst food indulgence? (the more secretive the better).

Ezell's large order of Spicy Strips with 2 biscuits.

6. If Obama were coming to your house for dinner, you would prepare your famous __________. (Include your recipe if you want!)

Mama's Pasta Sauce/Cheese Ravioli/Italian Sausage.

7. If you had to make rules (like Fight Club), what would rule #1 always be?

Don't deal with fakers.

8. No one knows _______________ about me. (fill in the blank). Make it as serious as you want to.

My middle name is Anthony.

9. Is the Seattle freeze fictitious? How do you know?

It's a reality.. I see it on Komo news 4 every year.

10. Where is the best place to eat dinner?

Always changing and trying new things. I'd probably say in a backyard bbq'ing with my friend Nas manning the grill otherwise Local360 is a recent fav for breakfast.

Some of Kyle's work:



Portraits Of Seattle #25 Dumb Eyes


Thanks Kyle!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I like..


This Soap.

Screen shot 2011-03-26 at 5.26.39 PM

This naturally lit Bedroom.


This Vertical Garden.

Sarah Vowell.

Sarah Vowell at Town Hall.

Sarah Vowell at Town Hall.

Andrew and I saw Sarah Vowell at the Town Hall tonight which was of course awesome. She's so smart and hilarious. I'm really excited to read her new book "Unfamiliar Fishes," we got one copy and had her sign it "Andrew and Naomi," she was really nice about it.

More Candles To Blow!

It was my friend's birthday celebration. We went out to have dinner in Eastwood and planned on getting some after dinner drinks. But because we were all too lazy to deal with alcohol, we ended up having coffee and dessert in Starbucks Fort. Yes, the one with the drive thru. I love that place!

Many thanks to Chad V. of Gadgets magazine for these photos!

denim rompers from SM, scarf used as a belt from Zara, headband from Evita Peroni, Skull bracelet from Anagon, shoes from SM

A paparazzi shot drama. Showing off my Anagon bracelet! (The gay skulls!)

Here's a real paparazzi shot. =)

There's the birthday girl! She has very few photos every time we go out because she's always "the girl behind the lens". She should start blogging and make that her blog name yeah? (Kiko's idea!)

Jacel and her LV baby! =)

with Chad, Kat and Mac

Kat, Chloe and Kiko. Too bad Ara can't join because her grammy recently passed away. =( And Dane was out of town too!

What I had. I always end up not finishing my Panini in Jacksloft so this time I shared with Kat. =)

Now I want a Panini! I shall grab some lunch now.

Laters! =)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This weekend was really great! We went on a moped ride, cooked delicious meals, and did a lot of home improvement.

Hope you had a great weekend as well! -n

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Purple Ruffles

Here's my OTD wearing a dress that I got 2 years ago paired with a thrifted denim vest. And of course my colorful wedges (again!) from Janilyn. Photos by Kat Sanchez

Look! Goldie is wearing the same dress. =)

So I've been wanting to get a satchel. A few weeks ago I've heard about the SM shoe and Bag sale. I know it has been on for quite some time but I still took my chances.
After checking out the shoe section I went to see what they had to offer in bags. Look what I found!

This may not be the real deal but this is close enough to Alexa Chung's Murberry! I am so HAPPY! I love how soft the leather feels and it's big enough to fit my netbook too.

Here's a photo of Murberry bags to compare. =)

Belladonna satchel is also available in different colors. Check it out in any SM department store. =)