Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sydney, Australia: Part 2, Fragments.

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Australia_Batch_Three (692 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (350 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (790 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (471 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (458 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (507 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (317 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (716 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (339 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (457 of 978)-2
Australia_Batch_Three (748 of 978)-2
So, this is my second to last post for Australia (where I had a chance to visit over Christmas break). I know it's the 5th of January already, but there were so many things I wanted to share, making it extremely challenging to narrow it all down. So hopefully through a little documentation you can see how gorgeous Sydney is.

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