Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Busy bee

I haven't been posting outfit photos lately because I have been busy moving. I was supposed to go out and take photos last week but lo and behold I was down with a flu for a week. But thanks to your sweet comments I'm all good now. I promise to make it up to you all! =)

Allan took this using his phone while we were lounging in Jacksloft. It was too dark there so please forgive the blurry photo.

I know I am taking too long to finish fixing everything in my place. I wish I had all the money in the world to buy everything that catches my eye in the furniture stores. I haven't shopped for clothes or shoes lately. I have been around DIY stores, Japan home, Ace hardware, SM homeworld, and home depot. It's surprising how I actually enjoy looking around places like these. I can stay there for hours! I swear designing a small place is never easy!!! But I am still very very excited to dress it up!

This weekend is going to be interesting because my sister is going to bring me to Dapitan. She said they offer a lot of good stuff there. Fingers crossed!

Oh by the way I might have to give up some clothes by selling them here so please watch out for that. I have yet to decide which ones. Sad! =( I'll keep you posted for sure.

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