Friday, January 28, 2011

My name is Aie

I have been getting questions on how to pronounce "Aie". For those of you who doesn't know my real name is Althea Mina, nick name- Aie . I also don't know how my parents came up with the nick and that weird spelling. I asked once and they said it was my great grand mother's idea. The other time I raised this question, they said it was my first word. Whatever the reason is I am very much used to be called Aie. Some people call me Thea which actually takes about 3 seconds for me to realize they are talking to me. lol!

Here are some photos taken from the garage where I live now. I didn't shoot inside the house because you'll see nothing but blank walls. I hope you like it! =)

swin suit worn as a top from f&h/ thrifted skirt/ shoes from SM Parisian/ necklace from SM/ belt from Terranova

I'm off to hangout with Allan and his officemates! =) Enjoy your Friday night loves! Be safe!


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