Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to Basics

Hi Everyone! I haven't been doing much lately but organize my things in the new place. I have a runny nose proly because of the paint smell. I'm tryna squeeze in all of my stuff in this small studio type so good luck to moi!

The good news is I have spotted a few perfect corners to take photos for my future posts...yay! I just need to finish fixing everything so I would know where to grab my things. I'm tryna do it one step at a time. It's hard because I have to go to work in the morning so I only have the afternoon and a few hours at night to deal with it. Weekend please come fast!!!

Ediway, here's ad oudfid post for dow. These were takedd during my Christmas break... (flu talking..)

Hachoo! Ciao for now! Have a great day loves!


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