Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where Is Bellucci Now?

Went to Bellucci's and found out that they're gone! I am beyond disappointed and they didn't say where they transferred. The guard in charge didn't know either. Really sadddd =(

So anyway, here's a sad and hungry outfit post for you! lol!

My facial expression in this picture cracks me up!

Can you spot my mosquito bite? heeh!

Bellucci's resto was located in Balete Drive, New Manila. I tried to Google them lol! (desperate!) Apparently there's nothing posted about their new location but I found an email yay me! I just hope I get a reply soon. I wish they didn't transfer somewhere far. I will miss this 3-min away artsy resto from my house.

I must get some shut eye now. I can’t think of a better way to end this post than to say goodnight!

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