Here are some photos before leaving the house for Eastwood yesterday. Sorry for the blurry photos. My camera keeps acting up. Maybe, just maybe, it is time for me to get a new one. A more serious blogger camera. eeeep gastos!!!
Top from Oxygen, scarf used as a turban, bag- Michael Kors, shoes- SM
I saw a good friend of mine while crossing from Eastwood mall to City Walk. I also saw Cheryl but didn't get a chance to take a photo. Shout out to you smolder chic! =)
So here's a photo of the package I got from Cyleina. I am to try these and share my experience.
I decided to first try the Tomato organic soap because I've read this is for oily skin and it helps tighten pores. I tried using it to wash my face and felt the stretch and oil free effect. I know tomatoes help give our cheeks a rosy hue. I remember my dad's story about my lola forcing them to eat tomatoes when they were little. Too bad they didn't have organic soaps like this back then. heeh!
The only other thing I noticed about the soap is that it tends to melt easily. So I made sure I have a separate soap dish for it to be kept dry every after use. I definitely don't want to put it to waste.
And of course the famous Black Pearl! I've read about the product first before use and I was surprised to see so many testimonials about how effective the soap really is. I started using it yesterday and I am very excited to see the results. Some said, like any other whitening soap, it tends to make your skin a bit dry. I haven't really noticed that part yet. Maybe that's because I'm used to putting on lotion all over after bathing. I guess I'd have to keep doing that. =)
I will of course update you on the results. For now, feed your curiosity and add them on Facebook to know more about what I am talking about or check their website here.
Thanks once again to Cyleina for the package! =) Have a great Monday loves!
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