Saturday, October 23, 2010


Met up with Anj yesterday! I missed her so much! She's back in school for a second major and lately we both seemed pretty busy that we rarely see eachother unlike before. I had to go to the hospital to visit a friend who's recovering from a major operation so my time with Anj was very limited. We only had 2.5 hours together but it felt more than that coz we talked non-stop to make sure no time is put to waste. =)

Allan picked me up from the hospital and went to Eastwood to grab dinner and see a movie on a cold-liquor ban-Saturday night. On our way to check the movies we ran into this. It reminded me of my friend Arcee who's currently in the hospital right now. Shout out to you RC! You can do it! Arcee is a very talented guy. Hear him play the drums and you'd think he must have been born with drumsticks on his hands. Get well soon RC please!

Below are some pics from Jacksloft. The donut was from KrispyCreme. One bite won't hurt right?

I guess one really big bite will...

How was your alcohol free Saturday night? Have a lovely Sunday ladies! =)

top: my mother's
brown shorts: a&f
old rose strappy flats: sm parisian
sling: RL

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