Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Esprit Grand Launch

Last Thursday was pretty hectic. I went to Megamall to attend the store launch of Esprit in Megamall together with Aisa.

For the Spring/Summer 2011 season, edc by Esprit is all about influences from around the world. Ethno looks meet romantic Wild West and robust adventure styles. The styles are just as exciting as the inpiration behind them. You won't find borders here!

The clothes that caught my eyes! A lot of pastel colors and cuts that seem very comfy.

And here are some photos from the show. Thanks to Aisa for the photos!

Red Kimono was the caterer during the event. Allan and I love Jap food! Thanks a lot for the privilege card!

After the event we headed to 7th High for the Lifestyle network's F.A.S.H. second season launch.

Will share photos tom. =)

Good night for now loves!

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