Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break.

Australia_Batch_Two (140 of 339)

Australia_Batch_Three (558 of 978)-2

I’m really glad and mostly amazed that Spring is here already, it arrived so fast! A new season brings a lot of changes. Everyone is Spring cleaning, the tolls on the bridge I use (520) started yesterday, which means it was $10 for me to drive to and from work, my best friend/co-worker has started in a different department temporarily, my manager will be out of the country for two weeks, and I’m realizing in only a couple of short months, it will be June when I turn 28 and my contract at Microsoft will be up. I’ll also be going to Dallas for the first time to visit in-laws, which I am really excited about. So, it’s been an interesting and crazy year, I’ve learned a lot, it’s been great, and at times with the commute, challenging, but overall positive. Looking forward to summer, swimming, and whatever is next.

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