Sunday, April 3, 2011

FADAL for Isang Litrong Liwanag

Hello loves! Sorry for not posting for a while. Last Wednesday I attended an event held at Republiq. I was there to support Mike and Karl. This was an event by FADAL for Isang Litrong Liwanag.

I started the night by having dinner with Allan together with Aisa and Mitch then we're off to see the show.

These are the runway photos I have. I know I suck at it. It's probably because I was too lazy to come up front to take pictures or I was just enjoying the show with Aisa. Or both! lol! For better pictures please visit Aisa and Melai's blog. =)

The girls...

This was my first encounter with Karl. I came up to him and introduced myself by shaking his hand and I was surprised when he responded by saying my last name! Such humility coming from someone that's already famous! Everyone was right. He's super nice! I have more reasons to love him!

I also got to meet Ulysses King! I told him I have his cape.

If you haven't heard about Isang Litrong Liwanag go check this video! I was so amazed!

Ciao for now I'm metting Eunice for lunch! =) Have a great day fashionistas!

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