Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Keeping a friendship is easy when you have the best

I went out with Coney today. She's a very good friend of mine since highschool. I had so much fun! We have been planning to meet up for quite some time now and finally we made it. I was sporting that jelly sandals again (flavor of the week!). Coney actually noticed it. She's a fashionista hiding in that white uiniform on weekdays. I told her where she can get it. They also have it in gray and black. I wanted the gray one but they didn't have it in my size.

I was also sporting my name necklace as inspired by Carrie. I haven't used this for a long time.

Coney plans to get one of her own. We'll go together since I want to get a two finger name ring for myself too. I promise not to wear them together so I won't look like a lost kid.

Goodnight everyone! Tomorrow is going to be a lo----ng day!

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