Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jerome Ang and Chris Diaz

I was browing on some files and photos for back up and I realized that I haven't posted the following from the Philippine Fashion week.

Narration through photos...

10 minutes before the show and I am screaming inside! Panic mode!

We made it!

Met Aisa Ipac after the show. She's so so nice! No yabang factor at all.

For those of you who doesn't know her, and i believe I am only talking about a few, she's a stylist/ blogger. Catch her here

Had dinner in Friday's highstreet with Allan.

The jumpsuit was perfect for this event since I didn't have much time to prepare. As I mentioned in my previous post, work sched is killing me. I can't believe I skipped halloween this year. But what can I say? It was all worth it!

Ciao' for now! =)

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