Saturday, November 13, 2010

I found love!

I didn't wear something worth blogging but these pair of boots needed to be photographed! The shirt and that pair of shorts were both DIYs.

I had breakfast with Kat yesterday. As usual CBTL nanaman!

Kat needed to grab a few things for her kiddo. Next thing we know we were shopping for ourselves while we're at it.

Kat got everything good in one! black leather-peep toe-laced up- wedge! whew!

I, on the other hand, went home a happy shopper! I had to wear it right away! =)

Dane also followed and tried the boots on. =)

So after meeting up with Kat I went to show Allan the place that I am eyeing for then we headed to Eastwood for lunch and a movie. We had a few drinks from Ditillery too. I just love that place. I took some photos for you guys. If you want to just sit and have a conversation over a few drinks this place is for you.

Just grab whatever from the fridge, pay for it and that's it. Very simple. No food is being served so that means you can buy somewhere else or bring chips! In our case, we brought our leftover pizza from Uncle Cheffy. =)

Looks like there's going to be room for more soon. =)

That's it for now. I'm off to Kat's place for Savino's (her kid) bday celebration. I think I might e wearing my boots yet again...

Later lovelies! =) Have a happy sunday!

Oh and PS: Congrats to Manny P. You know! =)

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