Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I don't always prioritize!

After work I headed to Eastwood to buy the TV that I spotted the other day. It was just a small LCD TV decent enough for my tiny place, the place which is currently under construction by the way. In a normal world you'd probably buy a couch first or something else but I was really taking advantage of the season's sale in the appliance section so--voila! I guess I'll be watching TV while getting cozy on the floor! gahhh!

I had dinner at Crisostomo with Allan and found myself admiring Tricia Gosingtian while she's enjoying her crepe in La Creperie. She's just so pretty! I wanted to say hi but I didn't want to scare her by giving her an impression that I'm some sort of a stalker. And besides I bet she's enjoying her one moment of peace.

While Allan was gone checking out on something, I found these while waiting for him in Ginger snaps. Look at how lucky these kids are nowadays. They can be fashionistas at an early age! I remember looking like crap when I was a kid. lol!

This blazer even have shoulder pads!

Back to the appliance center...I spotted these electric fans which are just beautiful! Too bad the price is as beautiful as they are. Boo! I want this for Christmas! ehem! haha!

I wish I had all the money to buy everything that catch my eye! I've heard someone won the 700 million pot money in the lottery! I will envy that person forever! On the brighter side bonus pay is already out. For some, it means buying gifts for family and friends this Christmas, for me it shouts "construction money".

I hope I didn't bore you with my thoughts. Goodnight fashionistas!

Top from Mongkok
Jeggings from greenhills
Flats from Parisian

Garek J. Druss.

Picture 9
Medium: Watercolor, pen, graphite, thread, and tea. By: Seattle based artist Garek Druss.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A day of spontaneity

I woke up thinking about what Kiko told me before going to bed. He said i could bug him anytime in case I get bored. I was chatting with him with one eye opened before my world ended last night.

So I did exactly as suggested and the next thing I know we were on our way to the mall for some chika over dinner. =) That's what I like about Kiks being single. You can bug him anytime and having a dull moment is just IMPOSSIBLE!

Please forgive the bunch of blurry photos. I didn't get to grab my camera on the way out. I used my sorry ass phone for these. Hey at least I made an effort. bow! =)

We had dinner at Kabisera, Powerplant mall.

He grabbed a few stuff from Fully booked. Here's what caught my eye!

I'll be out in a bit. I'm off to get the TV that I spotted from Eastwood mall the other day! I hope it's still there! Wish me luck! =)

Christmas Ornament.

I have to share this Christmas ornament project by Abbey Hendrickson, it's such a good idea! It makes me really wish I was getting a Christmas tree this year and making a bunch of ornaments for it. She is making one ornament per weekday until Christmas time and will be posting them on her blog "Aesthetic Outburst," keep up with her here!

Monday Monday.

This song doesn't describe my Monday, but it's good anyway, and there's another song after it.

lil guy from Katie and Kyle.
Lunch. Salad Club.
Salad Club.
I came home to this tonight, thanks Andrew!
Mondays are usually hard, but today was great. It was nice going to work, seeing co-workers, having salad club, getting an awesome gift from Katie and Kyle (from when they were in Mexico), and coming home to one of my favorite dishes of Clam Linguine perfected by Andrew. Aw...

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Waiting room.
La medusa
new lens = lots of lucas.
La Medusa.
La Medusa. Theo's chocolate espresso tort. Unbelievably good.
Waiting room .
Labels. In Progress.
Labels. In Progress.
Wow, I've gained atleast 9 pounds these past few weeks. On one one hand, I don't mind because it's the holidays, but I must say it's not so cool having to buy larger pants (am I sharing this)? It's just that I've been surrounded by such good food that I've been left with no other option. Anyway, despite the details, I had a good weekend: went to a tree farm, watched good movies, went to one of my favorite restaurants ever "La Medusa," which is seriously such a treat. I recommend going there if you live in Seattle, I actually felt like I was on a 'food-high' when I left, those exact words came out of my mouth. I was also quite productive this weekend with a logo, and some 'poison' labels for a friend, which always feels nice. It's going to feel weird going back to work after all that's happened with the weather, the holidays, the eating, the dr. visit to get my neck checked out, etc., but I look forward to getting back into a routine. Hope you all had a lovely break!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm doing a quick outfit post. These are some pictures from Ayala Triangle as promised. I was there Friday afternoon and tried the famous Wee Nam Kee! The saying was right! Kanin palang ulam na! lol! You should try it . =)

I had to run to home depot after dinner to get the counter table that I have reserved for my tiny weeny kitchen. I was literally running on these wedges. Good thing it's very light and comfy.

Top-dress worn as a top from mongkok HK
Denim vest- denim dress worn as a vest. I cropped the sleves and voila! Check out the photo below to see how it looked like before. =)
Wedges from SM department store - Parisian again!
Bag- The Cory Aquino edition bag by Rajo Laurel