Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday...

I woke up an hour late today and I had to rush to work. A very good friend of mine sent an sms asking me to meet him up since he said he has a job interview where I work. So I got there and he's gone. The lady in the front desk said there's a special delivery for moi and voila! It was a huge card from people I used to work with and I was back to b-day-girl-mode. It was sweet and it felt so good to get something like that from people you care about. Maybe what made it all the more special is the fact that I wasn't really expecting that they'd care even when I'm gone working for another company. I felt loved and It feels good to know that all my hardwork paid off. I saw them grow so much and not only did I build a team I know I built friendship among us and I plan to keep that friendship for as long as forever. It feels great to know they feel the same way about it. sniff!

So anyway I tried to get that bday syndrome out of me and tried to concentrate working when I got a call from Eunice asking me to come down and get her gift. She's a sweetheart. She gave me this black belt from Terranova. I'm not surprised that she knows what I want. =)

Let me also mention this story about my best friend parked outside my house last night. I came home late went out to grab a bite with Allan after work. I even complained about this SUV parked in front of our gate only to find out that Anj was waiting there so she can give me this! She was using someone else's car.
I felt like a beauty queen and waved goodbye like one when she said she needs to go. She never fail to make me feel special. I'm lucky to have her. She knows I love her.
They said flowers mean "I'm sorry!" and chocolates mean "I love you!" but in this case I guess it means "Happy Birthday and sorry I park annoyingly lousy!" =)

And finally, My sister was crazy when she said "pag pasenshahan mo na ha?" She gave me this pair of earings on the day of my bithday and I was happy and shy at the same time. I love it so much! I love the vintage look! My sister knows me so well. She knows I feel naked without a pair of earings. With this I'd feel not only dressed but dressed to impress! =)

I'm loving the fact that people remember me during this special day. More years and gifts to come! yay! Oh and my dad said there's a jac box coming soon... excited much! =)

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