Monday, July 12, 2010

Erin's bridal shower and 12 reasons why it was awesome.

Getting the ladies together for a road trip to the Tri-cities.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 6
Getting all the family together.Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 12
Strawberry Margaritas.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 11
Delicious Appetizers.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 10
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 9
Lots of presents.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 8
Sexy Lingerie from Grandma.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 7
Having a surprise visit from the Groom-to-be.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 5
Going for cocktails at the small-town "Uptown shopping Center," and having ridiculous photo-ops afterwards, right before 4th meal.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 3
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 4
Waking up to an amazing breakfast and mimosas.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 2
And having rasberry coconut cupcakes for dessert.
Erin's Bridal Shower Weekend. 1
Hope you had a wonderful shower Erin!

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