Friday, December 31, 2010

Let there be LOVE this 2011!!!

It is buzzing in the kitchen and It's raining fireworks outside. I can now feel 2011 approaching. It was a great 2010 for me! I was able to finally do things I've long been planning to do and now it is time to make new plans and set new goals.

I don't do new year's resolutions. But this year, this is what I got...

New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time. lol!

Happy New year fashionistas!

Let there be LOVE this 2011!

The smell of BBQ being grilled has reached my room! I have to go now! Time to close your windows ladies! =)

Today is cheat day again yipee yay!!! Crispy Pata here I come! =)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Meet the ballerina in me

Sorry for being absent lately. I was busy with all the holiday madness! I'm sure you were too! Christmas was so much fun for the whole family and some friends from the states and Canada are coming home for a vacay so it's pretty crazy. Too bad my dad was away for the first time. I have so much to tell but I don't have the time.

Here's an outfit post for now. =)

You will be seeing this background for quite some time because I haven't been going out lately. Congrats to me! =)

Tutu top - thrifted online
Jeggings from greenhills
Laced up- Parisian

lookbook post

See you soon! =)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Blog/holiday break until January 3rd.

Anchovies & Olives is delicious!

Hello! Like everyone else, the blog gets to have vacation too! I will have lots to share when it's back up and running January 3! Have a great holiday break!! Love, -naomi

These happened.

new booties!
new booties!
Remember these booties from my wishlist? Well, I got them, I couldn't resist (and good thing I did, because they're completely sold out now). I'm convinced they're a good purchase, because not only does my husband approve, but complete strangers do as well, including my new chiropractor. Yay Booties!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Yesterday was a long day! Or at least it seemed like one because I was not feeling well. My throat feels like it's burning. I guess this is the prize I have to pay for pigging out on Ara's cake Saturday night. (I will post photos from the party soon)

After meeting up with the Engineer that's working on the wall I'm having made for my place. Allan and I went to Bellucci for snack. Bellucci is minutes away from my place. It has become our favorite for the past few months now. I've been wanting to blog about this place but I always either forget to bring my camera or is just too preoccupied with my food. lol!

So finally, here it is. It caters itallian fusion and the prizes are very reasonable. The place is very simple yet cozy. You might want to pay a visit next time you pass by Balete drive. =)

Look at how nice the place is.

View from outside.

There's our food!

After eating, we headed to Whiteplains to check on the Sofa bed that we have spotted last month.

These are some things that catched my eye. I love IKEA!

We went to BHS afterwards and dropped by MUJI and Gap to grab a few Christmas gifts. Dinner at Sentro, Serendra was a great way to end the day.

Oh how I love their green mango salad And sago't gulaman! =)

I'm off to work now. Have a great day fashionistas! =)

top from some random store in HK
shorts from folded and hung
wedges from SM dept store
Fringe purse designed by Yako Reyes