Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here are some rough sketches for 'hemingway.'

A Vintage Fabric and Sewing materials store that also features art.

Two Color Contenders.

Friday, January 22, 2010


We're learning lightroom software in our new-media photography module. Here are some portraits that were taken for our natural window-lighting assignment. Color photo: Clay. B & W photo: Kevin. and Me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jay Reatard Dies at 29.

So shocking and sad. I feel very fortunate to have seen him play this year at the Crocodile. It's a sad day.
..Here's a picture of Andrew and I at the show (we're on the top level- Andrew on the left and me on the right in the turquoise shirt -thanks Matt) and the actual set-list for the evening (thanks Andrew).

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to School - Second Quarter.


Last Monday (the 4th), was our first day back to school from holiday break and I woke up with a brand new sore throat and stuffy nose, the timing couldn't have been worse! I was sick all week long, but had a pretty good week despite all the tissues and self-pity. School is looking bright and we have some neat assignments lined up, here are a few: designing a planner, creating an idea/identity/packaging for a store, getting to know the process and production side to of the graphic design industry, and learning to properly use SLR cameras and lightroom software!! Really cool stuff.

I will leave you with a photo taken from our Free Time Industries opening at Bo-Concept last week, which was a great deal of fun! A lot of people showed up and stuff sold!
Photo Taken by Aaron Piazza.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Day and a 2009 List.

new years

Our friend's Ruben and Lacey just got a new "Just Dance" game for their wii, and it's super fun (and challenging)! Erin is on the left and I am on the right.

Friday, January 1, 2010

I am the newest member of Free Time Industries.

I am so honored and thrilled to be a part of Free Time Industries started by my very own best friend and industrial designer Katie Bailey!!! I have known Katie Bailey for about 7 years now and she has been such an inspiration to me, I love her to death! Anyway, there are four members now, including Ariana (who I've only met a few times, but she seems great!), and the lovely Amber Murray. Right now we are currently working on a new jewelry line inspired by Northwest Coast Indians, such as myself! We spent a full day at the special collections department at the Seattle Public LIbrary where we got lots of great ideas. Check out the blog!