Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hand-Made Book.

For our drawing class, our final was to choose a story from a list provided and make a handmade book with our own illustrations based off our own interpretation of the story. I chose the "Fox and the Horse," there are 8 illustrations altogether using watercolor pencils. The front cover was embroidered and hand-sewn.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ragbrai Event Poster and Logo.

This poster is for an annual bicycle event called RAGBRAI, where people ride across the state of IOWA. It's rumored that by the end of the week you actually gain weight rather than losing it, from all the eating, drinking/partying that takes place. For my poster, I wanted to look at the social aspect of the event, because you meet and spend so much time with new people and you can make what you want of it. I chose yellow because it takes place in the summer and is all outdoors. I chose the DIY hand-done look to compliment the ragbrai rider and culture.

New Media Final Posters.

This was a group project for our new media class, where we were paired up with students from other disciplines. Our particular group had one publishing arts student, one photographer and two graphic designers. The task was to create two posters for our college that would be hung throughout the school for at least ten years and the winner will receive $500. So far, it's been narrowed down to six groups from about 25, ours is one of them!

A little bit about the design, the hand (writing) image was used to symbolize hard work, effort and study. The stack of books symbolize knowledge and education. The lined notebook paper in the background and hand-lettering was used to remind us of note-taking.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Poster, Post-Card (front and back) and Ticket.

This was for our illustrator class, it's kinda silly and outrageous. This event was for a birthday/show at this tiny little, dark and dated bar in Ballard. I wanted to make a poster that matched the feel of the bar by using very dated colors and fonts. We had to include an effect on our title, which is why I chose the flag effect. This is a poster, a post-card, and a ticket to the event.

These were made in illustrator.

Today is a good day!!!

Our drawing teacher announced the Modern Shed winner and it was ME!! So crazy, I still can't believe it, there were so many good posters from both classes.
My poster will be professionally screen-printed in an edition of about a 100 and will be used for their company's art pieces that they will sell.
Check em out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lou Dorfsman Poster. 15x20.

Here is my Lou Dorfsman (1918-2008) poster that I made for 'Graphic Art History' and also some of photos of him and his work. Lou was CBS's in-house graphic designer for over 40 years and has been called the greatest corporate designer in the world. He was also friends with big names like Saul Bass, Paul Rand, and Milton Glaser. The big huge wall mural of type shown in the pictures above is 38 1/2 feet wide and 8 1/2 feet tall and was located in the CBS cafeteria and dubbed the "gastrotypographicalassemblage," pretty radical. Kind-of-a-badass. ANyhoo, hope you like it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Presentation Day.

With Thanksgiving weekend and finals, I've been really busy, but I'll be posting stuff soon!! This was me yesterday about to give a presentation on the awesome Lou Dorfsman.