Wednesday, November 11, 2009

final CD Slip cover.

I must say I was impressed with the super 80's 3D effects in illustrator, hope I'm not alone here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CD Cover samples.

Our illustrator class has given us a week to make a cd or dvd cover using different tools and tricks regarding text...
Text wrap= text wrapped around an image
Text columns= creating atleast two columns of text that are linked together.
Word distortion= warping a word using the different effect tools

We could either make up a new band/movie or redo one that already exists. I decided to go with the cd and base it on consignment. I should probably have made a scary dvd though, after discovering how creepy (and cheesy) text can be when warped. I took advantage of this and distorted the ''consignment" on the front cover to compliment the "scary" image of Lucas.
I'm not sure if I'll keep 'working' these, so here is my cd so far.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Modern-Shed final illustrations and sketch.

For our drawing class, we're making an art piece for a local company (modern-shed) that can be whatever we want it to be and out of any medium. Both first year classes will turn in their piece and there will be a winner selected by the company. Whoever wins will get their piece professionally printed by a bellevue screen-printing company, I really hope I win!! There are a lot of great ideas though, I can't wait to see everyone's. Here are my final illustrations. I'm having a hard time picking the one I want to go with.

modern-shed sketch

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bird Illustration Color Edit.


Tension Poster.

In class, we made random shapes and chose one that we wanted to create a whole poster out of. When we were finished, we had to look at the composition and choose one word to best describe it. I chose tension and placed it where it made the most sense using the ideas of gestalt: the whole is greater than the parts.

Illustrator Color Assignment.

For this assignment, we practiced using the 'live trace,' 'live paint' and also learned how to find complimentary colors using the color guides. We had to draw either a butterfly or a bird, I was torn between the two, but ended up going with my old-man bird sketch. The first image is my black and white pen sketch, the second is colored with my made-up color group, the third has the monochromatic and complimentary color groups (to my first color group) and the last image is a color-edit of the complimentary color group. The CMYK numbers are also included.