Saturday, October 31, 2009

Howard Pyle Poster.

15 x 20
Picture 3

This is an informational poster that I did for my Graphic Art History class. Our assignment was to create a 15x20 poster or another piece of wall art that covers our particular subject and there must be both text and images included. My subject was Howard Pyle who was a famous illustrator, author and teacher. For this project, I decided to make a 3-D diorama of his life, the text on the sides are lettered and match up with small letters next to the objects in the diorama to explain what the objects are for. Attached are some before photos and the final poster.


This is my first 'adobe illustrator' assignment of rockets. The assignment was to make three rockets and have them all point towards the moon using a pencil tool, with maybe some stars or planets included. Oh and yes, the rocket-fire is bacon.

Friday, October 30, 2009


First and foremost, I am a student at the Seattle Central Creative Academy on Capital Hill, which is french for Seattle Central Community College (fifth floor). It is my very first year and it has only been a month since school has started, but things are going great so far. I really like my teachers and new friends. It's also been fantastic learning adobe illustrator and creating posters and images on the computer. I feel like the luckiest person ever. Anyway, check out my classroom, it has an annoying-to-anyone-else-but-us view of downtown Seattle and Queen Anne Hill.
Picture 2
Oh and here are some new friends