Friday, February 26, 2010

FreeTimeIndustries + White Sage.

Amber has started a new blog for White Sage Studio, which is where the new FTI headquarters is. Photo by: Patrick Wright.

Happy Friday!

This was during an event at work. The theme was to jazz up your denim. I didn't want to look like everyone else with ripped jeans so I made a denim-patched corset instead.

What you need to achieve this:

  1. Old pair of jeans

  2. Corset that you don't need (one of those things that you used for someone's wedding lying in your closet just because you don't have the heart to throw the hard work of whoever made it)

  3. Fabric glue

  4. Scissors

  5. Thread and needle

Just cut out squares of denim and glue it to the corset then sew it when it's all dried up to make sure it doesn't fall apart.

DIY ACCESSORY STORE- customer satisfaction guaranteed!

Finish product!
Note: the bangle and flats are being sold in the store. Both are hand painted. looks like someone's got a sweet tooth!

I was surprised to see charms and beads on small bowls when I got in the store and found out that they actually sell them individually so you can make what you want on your own.

Those 3 charms in the middle cost 20 pesos each; the two lockets on both sides were only 30 pesos per piece. The chain- P200 per meter. Skill and will- priceless!

This store is equipped with everything you'll ever need to complete your masterpiece. And tell me 'bout the fulfillment you'll get afterwards!

For more info on the accessory store let me know. J

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Ankle boots: nine west

Gym bag: RL

Puffed shoulder hoodie: pRp

Headband: evita peroni

Charm bracelet w/ time: coach

Monday, February 22, 2010

free time industries.

Photo illustrations: Ariana, Me, Katie and Amber of FTI photographed by Kyle Johnson.
Check out our blog, we just got a new studio in Ballard and it's wonderful.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Picture 13

Picture 14

I have been really busy with school, so I apologize for so little postings, I promise there will be some soon!
So, until then, Happy Sunday or Valentines's Day, whichever.
Andrew and I have been together for 8 years now, married for two.
We met in Community College, where we sat next to eachother in a psychology class and made eachother laugh the whole time. Our soundtrack included Radiohead, Pixies, the Strokes, White stripes, the Fall-outs, the Shins and Hot Snakes. The books were Ham on Rye/Bukowski, Me Talk Pretty One Day/Sedaris, The Stranger/Camus, Nausea/Sartre, Catcher in the Rye/Salinger, etc... has it been that long already?

Monday, February 8, 2010

The gold lace

On our way to the parking lot we saw this wall. They're renovating the building but those men at work were on lunch so I took advantage.

I was too bored so I went to my bf's office for lunch. The guy was busy and i had to wait for hours. Thanks to "ok" magazine for keeping me alive!

laced top from my mom
the necklace was my lola's
shoes from janilyn
Sling: RL

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Barbie's 50th

This was during Fashion week last year. Barbie (yes, as in barbie doll-my first ever client) celebrated her 50th bday. She's a legend. I wanted to wear something barbie-ish for the event. I'm glad i was able to pull it off.
Some pics were taken from Lax, Hooters- where my bf seemed to have a really great time and Fridays in SMX.
I miss going to the fashion week. I rummaged through some old pics. I'll post some more in a bit. =)

Shanon Pamaong's solo show

This I love!!!

This was during fashion week about 2 seasons ago. The collection explains why Shanon is indeed the director of FIP.

Hemingway Logo.

I finished revising the vintage fabric store logo today, hooray! (It looks way better on cream paper, the other colors I almost chose are below or here.

every drop counts

leather jacket: Top Shop
tanktop: from Guess
Pants: from my suki in greenhills- FHH
wedges: Aldo

A virgin in the blogger’s world…

I'm such a newbie in the bloggers world! A very good friend of mine suggested that I start to blog because she finds my Facebook shout outs getting pretty long. It actually took me months to create one because I couldn't find the time. But here I am and I'm very excited about this..

I decided to start a fashion blog because this is what I am obsessed about. There's so much more to it than knowing famous designers, buying shoes and shopping for clothes. I can never describe how passionate I am with fashion. I like everything about it and I find inspiration everywhere. I plan on designing for myself & my future daughter and hopefully make a living out of this passion. In the beginning when I was growing up I remember how simple it was. My fashion icon was Barbie. And as early as –Iono 9 or 10? I was already sewing vests and skirts for her. She was my first client. As the years go by, my fashion sense was all the more nourished. I realized being stylish doesn't have to be expensive all the time.

If anything should be referred to as "my style," I suppose it would be very toned down but chic. "Proper and strict" as they say. I really appreciate simplicity and minimalism but I also adore over-articulation every once in a while. Shopping for branded clothing is fun, like creatures of comfort, but I only shop to my wallet that's why I always find it easy to avoid becoming preoccupied with labels. And because I'm still learning to sew- that means I will soon make my own clothes when I'm ready to do-it-myself not destroy-it-myself, I shop in stores like landmark and SM department stores even greenhills as long as it doesn't look too much "tiange". The only closet section that my wallet cries for would be shoes! Who doesn't love shoes? Tell me? I'll blog more about this kind of love along the way that's for sure!

Anyway, I guess this is a roundabout way of saying that I love fashion. Not that I know so much about it- don't get me wrong. I can't deal with people who feel like they know fashion too well. To me this is something big no one can handle. At least no one like an average girl from an average city like me. All I know is that I will always believe that if you like something and you strut it like you mean it everyone will agree with you and no one will ask questions. I just wear what I want and how I want it, in no particular order, and I'm happy to see that it always turn out decent.

I'm really glad I finally found the time to blog. I've been wanting to do this since- I cannot even remember! I'll definitely post more pictures soon. 'til my next blog… J

Picture taken by Paul Sena

Silk plum animal print top designed by Eunice A.

Harem pants by Eunice A.

Headband by Evita Peroni

Belt and accessories owned by Cor Sunglao

Make up by Mimi Corpuz

Photo used for Fashion Institute of the Philippines